Wednesday, May 16, 2012

As president, the task is to keep a watchful eye over the United States. However, in some circumstances, it would be okay to lie during presidency. Although it seems risky to do so, it would be a good idea to lie about any situation going on. However, it's not always acceptable. For example, when Nixon was exposed during the Watergate, a lot of people questioned about why the president would lie about such criticism. Yet, he was a president that kept the country under control during Vietnam, same with Kennedy. Kennedy unknowingly took drugs that "enhanced" his performance, and still kept the country stable through the issues of the time.


  1. I think in nixons case he just didn't want to get caught.

  2. I disagree with Ed. I don't think its ever okay to lie. People look up to the president. People think that presidents know what their doing, so they shouldn't lie. I dont think its ever okay for them to lie.
