Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I think its important to remember September 11th because, it was a tragedy that brought all of us together and it was all over the news. i don't know about you but whenever i think or hear " September 11th" i think of all the people who died that day. How we remember this day is different for everyone. I think that this day should be remembered for the event and how we responded to this. It shows that a big event like this can bring America together and as one. we still have signs and services to remember those who died that day. Everything that has happened this day , the planes crashing, people looking hoping that their loved one made it out okay have a big roll on how we think about this day. When we watched that video in class we all started remembering how people took this all in, yes we where small but once we saw it again we all saw what a big upset in time this was. September 11th will always be remembered as a day of sadness and the people who got killed that day.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what Marisa was saying throughout this whole answer. I also think about all the people that died that day. Also i do believe that a event like this would bring America closer to together. In class the i thought that the video was very sad.
