Saturday, December 3, 2011

Huckleberry Finn

I think we should read Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in school because although there are alot of offensive remarks in it, it's important to note that Mark Twain was not racist. I think people can learn from this book some how. Students would need to be mature about reading this book because of the offensive things that are in this book. Thats why students should read this in high school.


  1. i agree that in order to read this book you have to be mature in order to be able to handle it. I also think Mark Twain was not racist because all he did was try to make people understand why certain things were wrong.

  2. I agree with the fact that we should be able to read this book. I think that the langue isn't okay unless you referring to this book. This books shows how the word is hurting people. I think with out the word in the book, the book wouldn't have a meaning.
