Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Quarter 2 - English Post

If you could run your high school English class for one day - what would it look like? Be specific and explain how you would use all 50 minutes of the period to do something education.
-Brad Evangelista


  1. i would let the students choose what they would like to do. then if i though it was educational then we would of done it.

  2. If I could run our english class for one day, I would have them watch an educational movie the entire time. By doing this, I would teach the students something and I would also burn time very fast.

  3. Matt great idea. Watching movies sometimes is more fun and interesting then listening to a teacher giving a lesson, the whole period.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. if i could run and English class for a day i think i would have trouble keeping calm. i would try to have the students think of way of how the lesson can be in todays problems/ways. also, its been proven that if you relate things they dont wanna learn about into way they would understand it today it helps them learn it better. personally i learn better by having class talks. talking about what peoples ideas are and what they think about the topic. so i would have a lot of class talks about hings.
