Sunday, October 23, 2011

Honestly, as soon as i got the packet saying all the information we needed to cover in this paper, nothing but bad ideas we're running though my head. I had so many concern's and so many worries. How was i going to pick a college in a couple days? How am i supposed to come up with what i want to be when i am older, when i m only 16? How was i going to write a 3 page paper on something i am not yet passionate about? So many questions we're running though my mind. It's really hard to even know where to start. There so much information to look up, and see and learn, that this assignment does almost seem impossible. When everyone in the class knows what and where they want to go, and your the only one who doesn't know, you feel a little lost. To be honest i m still not to sure how i am going to write this paper, or anything i for sure want to be or do. This is going to be one of the most complicated papers I'll have to write in my high school career, because its such a stressful topic. When i think college, i just think of complete Cassius. But my goal for the end of this paper, is feeling confident going in to senior year of what i want to be and where i want to go. I know this is going to be a difficult project and i am wondering why exactly we have to do it, but in the long run its going to help me so much.

1 comment:

  1. Just take one step at a time. It will help a lot during the final draft. Choosing a career is a bit easier than picking a college, I believe. If you still don't know what you want to be when you grow up, just ask yourself what I am i good at?. what do I enjoy doing? and who knows the answer might just come to you :)
