Monday, October 31, 2011

Quarter 2, Week 1: Manifest Destiny

Do you agree or disagree with the concept of Manifest Destiny?  (HINT:  Consider the pros and cons.)  Explain your answer.


  1. i disagree with the concept of manifest destiny because the land to the west was already promised to the native americans. i also disagree with it because they started wars with others countries to around the area to gain more land. the thing i hate from manifest destiny is that the Americans said it was there god given right.

  2. I disagree with Manifest Destiny. I believe it's not fair at all. If poeple don't want to give up their land, they shouldnt have to. It also just started war. All because Polk wanted more land. Poeple shouldnt have to fight for thir land that was theirs from the begining.

  3. I Agree with the manifest destiny because i think it was a good idea to expand the country. but i also disagre with it because if they bought the land, there was no need for people to fight over it, because the people who died in the war lost their lives for something they could have avoided, but it was successful anyways, the country was expanded and it was a good idea!

  4. I dissage with manifest destiny for many reasons. The first reason as to why i disagree with manifest destiny, is because i don't think its fair. If the people don't want to move they shouldnt have to move. Another reason is because it started a war, that was not needed. I feel like this was kind of a pointless war. They fought over land that was already claimed as theres.

  5. I agree with kevin and carolina. Manifest destiny does not make sence to me. It doesnt seem fair that they have to move from land thats already theres.

  6. I disagree with the concept of Manifest Destiny. Its unfair, and defiantly not beneficial to the native Americans. The native Americans were forced to move out of their land. If they didn't they would be killed. When they moved they had nothing that made their lives easier. They were forced to move somewhere that was very far away, they had no tools, no food, and no shelter there.

  7. Idisagree with Manifest Desriny. The reason i think this is because, the Native Americans were forced out of there land that they owned. Its like if someone wanted another house they can just kick me out of mine. They need to learn that not everything is theres, we need to share. -Marisa Murphy

  8. I disagree with Manifest Destiny. The reasons Americans had were absolutly insane. No one has the right to kick anyone out of their land, for the simple reason to try to get to the pacific ocean, becuase of religious reasons. Being a good cristian doesnt mean you go and invade someones territory for selfish reasons.

  9. I agree with Marisa because I would definatly hate it if someone tried taking away what is mine. Having no power and having to deal with the fact that what ive worked so hard on is no gone because of some crazy Americans.
