Monday, October 17, 2011

Quarter 1: Week 8

Ok - So I assigned a seemingly impossible research paper, and I want to know what you are thinking. What is your biggest concern about the paper? Be honest - maybe someone else can console you or offer some great advice. Hang in there!!! We'll all get through it.


  1. I don't like the amount of pages we have to do. i also think i am not going to finish in time because i dont know what to print from the college and information from my career.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm just scared it will hurt my grade if I mess something up. I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing, but I don't know 100% what the right thing is. I just really nervous about this.

  4. I am kind of excited. I have never done a 4 or 5 page paper. That will be an experience. I hate the fact that I have to do flashcards and a rough draft. I would only like to do the outline and the final paper. i like going with the flow, and it mostly works for me. I understand why we have to do the flashcards and the rough draft but sometimes i find it easier going with the flow, and i know that sounds unreasonable and maybe weird but i am a going with the flow type of person. When i am going to do the outline i know it will help me a lot but i know that my final paper will not be the same as my outline because when i am writing, ideas pop in my head and i put them on paper, but that doesn't happen when i am organizing my outline. Good Luck everyone with your paper:)
