Monday, October 10, 2011

Quarter 1, Week 7: Nationalism vs. Sectionalism

If you were president, would you focus more on policies that promoted nationalism or those that promoted sectionalism?  (HINT:  Look at your Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism Note Sheet to review the definitions of these terms.)  Explain your answer, and give specific policies that you might enforce to promote either nationalism or sectionalism.


  1. i would focus more on our nation as a whole because if we focused on our own state we would not be as powerful as a whole. that way you would not have to worry about states from another nation but from one nation.

  2. I agree with Miguel because it makes perfect scene that we would focus on our nation and not on everyone at one time.

  3. If i was the president of the United States i would focus on nationalism first. I would focus on nationalism because a president should be focused on improving the country before trying to improve one state at a time. Each state in the country is very important because it makes up the country. But the president should focus on something that would make the country better for each state out there. Rather than focus on a state that's only better for that particular state. After trying to improve something from the country, then the president should focus on one particular state that is in trouble.
