Sunday, November 6, 2011

Manifest Destiny

I disagree with manifest destiny because, you can't just kick people out of their home it is wrong especially that it was specifically one group of people it was worse. No matter what the reason the president had to do this there could have been other ways to deal with what was going to happen if they didn't leave. They could have fought those people for the land. I mean if the president was really just trying to keep those people safe he wouldn't have said "you leave or I'll shoot you" it wasn't so much that he wanted to protect them it was that he wanted the land. So i guess we can all say this was wrong.


  1. I agree that it wasn't fair to kick them out and that their could of be a much better way to deal with the whole land situation.

  2. I totally agree bacause It is so wrong to just go to the native americans house and just kick them out of their house and say you have to move and you cant come back
