Sunday, November 6, 2011

Manifest Destiny

I think that Manifest Destiny is great and right for many reasons. It's all about expanding the U.S. which it did and can you just imagine the U.S. without some of its states? If we would even get rid of one state i don't think we would be able to get over that. This was for the better for us but then again we did kill people to get some of it. In the end though we paid to prevent any more killing though. Manifest Destiny was the right thing for us, we needed it to expand the U.S and become what we are today.

1 comment:

  1. i disagree with you daniel for many reasons. one is that it caused a lot of lives to be lost due to this expansion. It also ruined a lot of the native americans lives and this expansion also ruined their land. If you agree with this manifest destiny you are saying you agree with the means settlers did to expand even if it meant the deaths of many american indians.
