Monday, November 14, 2011

Quarter 2, Week 3: Causes of the Civil War

Which cause of the Civil War do you think was the most significant?  First, define your cause, and then explain why it is the most important.


  1. I believe the most important cause of the civil war was slavery, because that's what they were fighting for. To end or continue slavery. I think that slavery was the only reason why they fought against each other. Slavery was something that wouldn't of stopped unless they fought. Slavery was a huge deal because everyone wanted to be free and not be owned by anyone. I don't believe back in the days there was anything more important than fighting for your freedom. The soldiers that fought to keep slavery were people that that could not think for themselves. They were soldiers that took orders from someone that only cared about controlling others and having it his way.I believe slavery was the only significant event of why civil war started.

  2. I think the cause for the civil way was not putting slavery into the Constitution. The people wanted to wait about 20 year before doing anything about it. I say the more you wait on acting on things the longer and harder its going to take to change them. The civil war maybe would of not been so big or maybe not even happened. The real cause of the civil was to me was not putting free slaves in the constitution.
