Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pros And cons

The first pro i would have to say was that they had a lot of money. They also had a house where they could live and keep warm. They also had a job to keep food on the table. The cons are that they did not spend as much time with their families. They usually wasted their money on booze or other ilicit drugs. All they did was party and drink booze which is bad for your health. The pros for people on the Great depression was that they actually appreciated things like heat and eletricity. They had to have heat and eletricity to survive. They spent a lot more time with their family and friends. They also appreciated the small things people did to hepl them. The cons where that they had a tought time getting money to pay their bills. If they did not pay, their heat or eletricity would be shut off. They had to hunt for jobs because the owners usually hired five or nine people at the most. They also got little pay. They did not know if they were going to be able to feed their family or keep them warm which was horribvle not knowing if they could last for another week with the food they had.

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