Tuesday, February 7, 2012

pros & cons

We have been learning about the The Great Gatsby and now we just watched Cinderella man and they are both awesome time periods but we have some pros and cons to it. Some pros to living in the time of the Great Gatsby are, you could to what you wanted, party's and happiness, and love. we noticed that before you could go and part and be happy be with the people you love without fighting about money and worrying about how you can get food on the table, those are some cons to the 30's. some pros of the 30's are that, families learned how to stay together, value what they have in life, and know what its like to work hard and accept how things are. the cons to the 20's are they never thought about what they had in life, never realized how much their loved ones meant to them, and also everything they did is seemed like it didn't matter to them.

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