Sunday, February 5, 2012

There are many pros and cons for living in The Great Gatsby time, and there are also many pros and cons for living in the roaring twenties. One pro in the Gatsby book, was that they we’re all happy with what they had. They didn’t complain and they always we’re happy about everything they worked to get. Also, they could work and support their families. Another pro would be that they could have parties when ever they wanted. There are also many cons to this. There was not nearly as much time with their families like in the great depression time. Also a Con could be that they might even have partied too much. They drank all the time and didn’t even care. Although they worked hard for their money, they wasted it all on things that they did not need. There are also many Pros and Cons for the great depression time. The pros are that they spent so much time with there families. Also, they learned there true strength and they saw how much they could go though if they worked together. Another pro is that they didn’t take advantage of what they had, they we’re very thankful. Some cons for the great depression times we’re, there had so much trouble making any money. They had to wait outside of a fence just to work for a couple of hours to make a couple of dollars. Another Con was that since they didn’t have money they couldn’t keep their families warm, and all the little kids we’re getting sick. There are many pros and cons during these times that made these people very strong individuals.


  1. I agree with you Kayleigh because I thought your pros and cons really stuck to me.

  2. i agree many people would waste their money on things they didn't need and that impacted them in a way. And yes the people that didn't have money really were strong people to be able to live through that.
